The Trump Administration Wants to Give Refugee Camp Food Rations to Americans Instead of Food Stamps
The Trump administration wants to replace food stamps with something called the “Harvest Food Box.” The box would contain excess US agricultural products strait from our over-producing, subsidized farm industry. The whole thing sounds so familiar…and then I realized why.
The Trump administration wants to give poor Americans refugee camp food rations.
Each week in a refugee camp, people wait in long lines for the World Food Program to give them bags and boxes of surplus grain and other food rations from the US. What’s in the box? Whatever the US government feels like throwing away, I mean donating. The ration usually contains a grain, lentils, sugar and cooking oil. Sometimes it consists of something called the Emergency Supplemental Ration, an appetizing blend of fortified mush baked into a cookie. Mmmmm.
Maybe they will replace section 8 housing with tents? Then America would look just like a real refugee camp.